Exhuming McCarthy: Corporate Social Justice And The Google Memo Saga

Google diversity memo - free speech - social justice

A software engineer at Google published an internal memo questioning the current diversity strategy and warning that the company was becoming an ideological echo chamber where dissenters felt intimidated about expressing their views. Google immediately validated these concerns by firing him.

One wonders exactly what Google would have to do before senior executives at the company are forced to admit that their corporate motto, “Don’t Be Evil”, is little more than a bitter joke.

The company has been in the headlines the past few days thanks to a “scandal” precipitated when software engineer James Damore published an internal memo questioning Google’s approach to diversity in the workplace.

Entitled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber”, the memo alleges that “differences in distributions of traits between men and women may in part explain why we don’t have 50% representation of women in tech and leadership”, before pointing out that a free discussion cannot take place because:

“when it comes to diversity and inclusion, Google’s left bias has created a politically correct monoculture that maintains its hold by shaming dissenters into silence. This silence removes any checks against encroaching extremist and authoritarian policies.”

The memo goes on to consider various non-bias related causes of the gender gap in tech. At all times, James Damore is at pains to emphasise that he is not suggesting that all men or all women share the various traits under discussion, merely that there are indisputably different distributions of preferences and abilities between men and women which might account for some or all of the gender representation gap in the industry. Damore emphasises that “many of these differences are small and there’s significant overlap between men and women, so you can’t say anything about an individual given these population level distributions”.

Damore then goes on to propose a number of potential ways to reduce the gender representation gap without relying on methods that could be described as affirmative action, including a genuine embracing of part-time work, rewarding cooperative as well as competitive behaviour and striving to make it more socially acceptable for men to free themselves from expectations of the male gender role:

Feminism has made great progress in freeing women from the female gender role, but men are still very much tied to the male gender role. If we, as a society, allow men to be more “feminine,” then the gender gap will shrink, although probably because men will leave tech and leadership for traditionally “feminine” roles.

Read the whole memo here – it is only ten pages in length, and quite unlike the monstrous manifesto that it has been portrayed as by a hopelessly biased media.

As it happens, I agree with some of Damore’s premises but not his conclusion. I was swayed partly by this article by Josh Barro in Business Insider, which posits that if there are indeed natural gender imbalances in tech because of differences in aptitude and interest, it still behoves corporations to guard against the possibility that hiring managers, expecting that women will be less suited for certain roles, then subconsciously discriminate against female candidates.

Barro explains how this phenomenon might manifest itself:

  • A widespread assumption that “most” of the good job candidates will be men may lead to stereotyping in the hiring process, with hiring managers more likely to assume that men are good candidates and overlook qualified women.

  • Women may self-select out of the field because they internalize the stereotype that it is “for men,” and the stereotype may also make men overconfident in their fitness for the field and more inclined to pursue employment in it.

  • A male majority in the field is likely to be excessively self-reinforcing, as research shows that hiring managers tend to use the qualitative and “culture fit” aspects of hiring to hire candidates who resemble themselves, and most of the hiring managers in a male-dominated field will be men.

  • As seen in several high-profile cases in Silicon Valley, male-dominated management structures may foster cultures of pervasive workplace sexism and harassment that drive women out of the field.

Barro goes on to explain:

The memo misses this entirely, jumping from a claim that gender differences in interests and aptitude “may in part explain” the strong male skew in Google’s engineering groups to a conclusion that specific efforts at Google to recruit and retain women and underrepresented minority candidates are counterproductive and should be ended.

For example, the author complains about “hiring practices which can effectively lower the bar for ‘diversity’ candidates by decreasing the false negative rate.” That is, he’s upset that women candidates get a second look when men don’t.

But this is something you would absolutely want to do to prevent a phenomenon described above: hiring-manager biases and stereotypes leading to a lopsidedness by gender in hiring that exceeds the actual lopsidedness by gender in the qualified candidate pool. It makes sense to be extra certain that women who got screened out were rejected on the basis of qualifications and aptitude, not something else.

These are sound points, some of which I did not stop to fully appreciate when originally penning my response – I’m glad that I waited 24 hours and did some wider reading before hitting “publish” on this.

Of course, there was no such reflection and nuance to be found in the mainstream media, whose reporting might well leave you thinking that Damore had rewritten Mein Kampf for the 21st century and published a bitter screed attacking women, ethnic minorities and LGBT people.

CNN certainly took this hysterical approach:

“Aren’t biologically fit for tech jobs”? CNN should be ashamed of themselves for this blatant misrepresentation, if only they still had the capacity to feel shame. Of course, James Damore actually said no such thing. One can agree or disagree with the various premises and conclusions in the memo, but on the whole it was a thoughtful, measured and articulate reflection on a very topical issue. Rather than firing him, Google should have been proud to employ somebody who raised the issue respectfully with the aim of improving the company.

But apparently the memo has taken a grave psychological toll on Google’s “woke” and sensitive workforce. Now we hear that several female Google employees apparently failed to show up to work the following day because they were too distressed about the contents of the memo.

From NPR:

Another software engineer who used to work for Google, Kelly Ellis, says some women who still work at the company stayed home on Monday because the memo made them “uncomfortable going back to work.”

Seriously? What reason had they to feel uncomfortable? The memo was the creation of one employee – an employee who was publicly chastised by Google’s Head of Diversity, who hinted strongly that the memo “crossed the line” and violated the company’s code of conduct – and who was later fired from his job. It is hardly as though Google had suddenly been invaded by a swarm of alt-right campaigners or men’s rights activists. The corporation is overwhelmingly and publicly set against Damore’s position, to the extent that they excommunicated him for his beliefs.

The only person for whom Google proved to be a hostile work environment here is James Damore. And the only reason for any employee to stay home from work claiming distress was to parade their conspicuous victimhood and revel in their own (largely) imaginary oppression.

When I was eleven years old and in my first year of secondary school, I was queuing for the school tuck shop when some massive neanderthal of an inbred fifth-year kid shoved me out of the line and called me a nigger. And yet somehow I managed to board the school bus and show up to class on time the next day. And I was a child. Now these are intelligent, grown-ass women working for one of the most prestigious firms in the world, and we are supposed to believe that they are so fragile, so wounded by a MEMO of all things that they weren’t able to do their jobs. Again, I ask: are you for real?

This is why I say that social justice is a cancer on society. A cancer. Not just because it suppresses the free speech rights of ideological dissenters and creates a truly chilling atmosphere in which a significant portion of the population is cowed into sullen, fearful silence for fear of losing everything if they dare to express themselves reasonably and honestly. Not just because of that, but also because the Cult of Social Justice and Identity Politics is turning fully grown adults with jobs, mortgages, credit cards and often kids of their own into little more than oversized, perpetually vulnerable babies. It poisons the body politic and fractures society into separate warring special interest or “victimhood” groups, all jostling for attention, sympathy and affirmative action. Social justice activism is corroding our society from within.

There is no good reason for anyone to be traumatised by the Google memo, even if they disagree with its contents. One can disagree with the either the premises or the conclusion of the memo’s main argument, but it should be possible to have a civil discussion without acting as though real physical or mental harm has been done by the mere expressing of an opinion.

Anybody smart enough to work at Google should be capable of articulating a response to the “offensive” memo if they disagree with it strongly enough. Moreover, they should actively welcome the opportunity to debate these ideas so as to win over more supporters. That’s how social causes have traditionally advanced themselves, often with great success and rapidity.

But now this is apparently too much of a burden. Now the regressive Left is unwilling to do the hard work of argument and persuasion, preferring instead to push the “fast forward” button and speed ahead to an imagined time when everybody agrees with their social justice dogma. And since this ideological consensus does not yet exist (and God willing never will), the Left must instead artificially enforce it by clamping down on contrary opinions and making dissenters feel so fearful that they simply cease to express themselves.

David French makes this very point in the National Review:

The primary victims of this new culture of groupthink are social conservatives and other dissenters from identity politics. In field after field and company after company, conservatives understand that the price of their employment is silence. Double standards abound, and companies intentionally try to keep work environments “safe” from disagreement. Radical sexual and racial politics are given free rein. Disagree — and lose your job.

It takes a person of rare constitution and moral courage to speak up. And that’s precisely how the far Left likes it. After all, what value is there in disagreement? They’ve figured out that elusive path to racial, gender, and sexual justice, and disagreement only distracts. It does worse than distract. It wounds.

But take heart, conservatives. It’s not all bleak. After all, the government is highly unlikely to persecute you for your speech. And if you want to succeed in cutting-edge businesses or enjoy equal opportunity in the academy, you do have one good option. You can shut your mouth.

You can shut your mouth. Which is precisely what the social justice brigade wants to happen – we have recently seen reports that various employees at Google are maintaining personal “blacklists” of other staff with whom they will refuse to work or consider for promotion because they have supposedly failed to publicly embrace the diversity agenda with sufficient enthusiasm.

One such boastful threat reads:

“While Google appears to be doing very little to quell the hostile voices that exists inside the company, I want those hostile voices to know:

I will never, ever hire hire/transfer you onto my team. Ever. I don’t care if you are perfect fit of technically excellent or whatever

I will actively not work with you, even to the point where your team or product is impacted by this decision. I’ll communicate why to your manager if it comes up.”

“You’re being blacklisted by people at companies outside of Google. You might not have been aware of this, but people know, people talk. There are always social consequences.”

And it’s not just Google. I logged in to LinkedIn the other day to check my notifications and was immediately barraged with tens of status updates from various connections working at a variety of large corporations, bragging about all of the amazing things that their firms are doing to celebrate Pride month. Now from a personal perspective I have no problem with that. But if I was a social conservative who takes seriously the responsibility to treat everybody with respect but feels unable to endorse certain social movements for religious reasons, I would be very nervous right now.

Why? Because more and more, employees are exhorted to make explicit their “allyship” of various designated identity groups, or otherwise endorse the aims of the broader social justice movement. We saw this in Britain last week with the National Trust furore, where volunteers were prohibited from serving in customer-facing roles unless they agreed to wear Pride ribbons (eventually the National Trust backed down under public pressure).

The bar has been moved. Mere tolerance is no longer sufficient – increasingly we must be seen to actively affirm and celebrate every lifestyle choice, gender identity or dubious fad which falls under the auspices of the social justice movement.

This is incredibly dangerous. The idea of our employers becoming auxiliary parents to us is as insidious as the idea that the state should play this role in our lives. In fact, the current moves by many corporations to enlist their employees as agents of social change on top of their day to day responsibilities is incredibly paternalistic, almost like something out of the early Industrial Revolution, when benevolent (or not so benevolent) industrialists housed their factory workers, provided for their basic welfare but also carefully regulated their leisure activities and social lives to uphold moral standards.

As I wrote yesterday:

Whereas a decade ago one could reliably find leftists railing against the power of corporations and the supposedly unfair, coercive power balance between employer and employee, now those very same leftists are screeching that big corporations are not doing enough to indoctrinate their employees with the new social justice dogma.

Of course, vesting corporations with such power is in fact highly dangerous and quite likely unconstitutional, particularly when lawsuits start to emerge where employees allege that their employer has pressured them to violate their own conscience when it comes to matters outside the workplace.

If this trend continues, we will soon reach a point where social conservatives, social justice agnostics and anybody else who fails to actively affirm progressive dogma becomes as unwelcome in the corporate world as those suspected of communist sympathies were in 1950s Hollywood. That is the direction in which we are headed.

The rejection of truth in favour of total ideological conformity. Groupthink, paranoia and blacklists. McCarthyism is being exhumed and reanimated before our eyes in the year 2017 – this time not by anti-communists, social conservatives or the religious right, but rather by the so-called progressive Left.



UPDATE: 9 August, 23:00 BST

Curiously, nobody ever seems to ask why the male to female ratio is so skewed in other professions such as steelworking, mining, forestry or construction, careers which are often less glamorous, more dangerous and entail greater physical labour. It is almost as though gender equality activists tacitly admit that there are in fact differences between men and women which make one or other gender better suited (though by no means exclusively drawn) to certain careers. And if we accept this in the case of physical labour, why not also with mental labour – other than the fact that to even ask the question is now considered heresy?

And why do we only care about diversity in high-status non-manual jobs? Could it possibly be because the world of social justice largely consists of a self-appointed priesthood of middle and upper-middle class people talking exclusively to one another about their First World Problems and busily confirming their own biases, while working class people are too busy trying to get by to worry about whether their employer is sufficiently nurturing of their chosen identity?


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13 thoughts on “Exhuming McCarthy: Corporate Social Justice And The Google Memo Saga

  1. Chauncey Tinker August 12, 2017 / 10:46 AM

    Excellent post.

    I tend to the view that companies should be completely free to hire whoever they want to hire sex, race whatever and pay them whatever they want. I think “positive” discrimination invariably turns into negative discrimination whether the intentions are really good or not. The more a company like Google goes down this path I strongly suspect the more it will become uncompetitive and lose market share to new rivals who are focused on actually doing business. Everybody in the company, especially the management, will have been distracted by this.

    I know this particular saga is about internal company policy at Google, but if governments weren’t pandering to the social justice warriors as well the movement would quickly lose steam. Government programs to “correct” supposedly incorrect behaviour end up creating perverse incentives and damage competitiveness. The end result is that companies are even more inclined to outsource work to other countries (where such complications do not exist or are ignored), and so such anti-discrimination policies turn into discrimination against EVERYBODY in the country implementing the policies.

    If women (or ethnic minorities) think they are really being discriminated against in the workplace, then they are free to start their own companies where they can hire only women etc. if they want. Why don’t they just do that instead of badgering the government to give them special protection? Since apparently there is a large pool of female talent that is being discriminated against they should find it very easy to recruit a large and highly motivated work force. They will be highly motivated because they have been shunned and underpaid elsewhere.


  2. Giambologna August 10, 2017 / 12:39 PM

    In my experience (which may be skewed) it appears that women in management themselves discriminate against other women when hiring. I do not know why (a stronger feeling of competition?) but they often seem to block the progress of obviously talented but less senior women.

    In regards to attitudes to ‘gender equality’, the selective outrage and hypocrisy at show reveals that gender equality is not the actual aim.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Samuel Hooper August 10, 2017 / 10:50 PM

      Absolutely – gender equality is not the real aim. The real objective of the Cult of Social Justice and Identity Politics is the acquisition and wielding of power over other people, the ability to police what others say so as to ultimately control what they think.


  3. Paul Robson August 10, 2017 / 9:37 AM

    I used to work for a medium sized software company, the development floor had about 100 staff, about 60 of those maybe were coders.

    No women, all male.

    Sexist ? Obviously.

    Well, the head of testing was female The head of documentation production was female. The head of the whole development section was female (not herself a developer though) ; this kind of suggests there wasn’t a violent objection to women in the place. (In non coding jobs there were plenty of women). I just don’t think many applied (on my degree course there were 3 girls out of 80 odd)

    I also used to teach Computer Science to GCSE/O and A level. When I started it was the usual class of 25 with 2 girls at GCSE/O level. I managed to get this to about 60/40, maybe slightly better, without too much effort. Achievement was fairly stable except you didn’t get the very high level girls ; some boys spent a lot of time coding at home.

    But I never did get a girl at A level ; one did inquire once. At that point it became very technical, and while I had many smart girls it just never seemed “their thing” – though I always bent over backwards to make it feel like a gender neutral subject.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Samuel Hooper August 10, 2017 / 10:57 PM

      That’s some interesting anecdotal evidence Paul, thanks for sharing. I didn’t know that you were once a teacher! It is impressive that you managed to improve the female to male ratio at GCSE level so significantly – may I ask what measures you took to achieve that change?

      I don’t think it should be taboo to state the obvious – that even when all issues of subconscious bias etc. are controlled for, there are gender-based preferences for certain jobs. Several of the studies cited in the Google Memo make this point clearly and dispassionately. It doesn’t mean that there can’t be brilliant women coders, better than male ones – of course there are. It just means that tail of the bell curve when it comes to interest and aptitude in certain jobs is slightly different between men and women. It’s not a criticism of either gender, and yet to even utter these words is taken as a grave insult and considered heretical.


      • Paul Robson August 12, 2017 / 11:58 AM

        Actually it wasn’t that difficult. This was the age of the BBC Micro, usually one between two ; basically make the subject more interesting and make sure the boys didn’t dominate the hardware. The girls even enjoyed the more technical stuff which you might think they wouldn’t.

        What most didn’t have, which many boys did, was the desire to spend a big chunk of their home time on a computer learning how they worked. There’s a group of developers about 30-50, (I’m an outlier at the front who started on a hexadecimal keypad machine) who learnt a great deal at home (far more than you would in a modern Comp Sci degree) on their Sinclair Spectrums and what have you. I never saw a “girl version” of these or even heard of one. I’m sure there were a few.

        The impression I always got in education was the girls were always more sociable (they were also more bitchy to each other ; arguments about what Jenny said to Sharon could go on for years) and just didn’t enjoy the machine-exploration that I did, which tend to be very much a lone thing.

        The whole thing is asinine really. Any rational study of work shows girls prefer people jobs and boys prefer thing jobs overall.

        There’s a lot of work going in to supposedly change it, but they seem to try to move the goalposts (e.g. having ICT with lots of Powerpointy nonsense rather than Computing) and widening the definition of STEM.

        It has made little difference ; girls are easy to interest in computing, but difficult to get to commit to the level of technical learning required to advance beyond a certain level.


        • Douglas Carter August 12, 2017 / 2:18 PM

          There’s another aspect in more distant human nature in respect. The traits you describe in the solitary male behaviour are echoes of the successful hunter. Without flippancy, the patterns found it hobbies such as Bus spotting, or collecting Soccer memorabilia are centred around the deep study of patterns and recognition of regular behaviour of prey. The better acquainted the hunter at these aspects, the more successful they will be and the more able that hunter will be at providing for those for whom that person might hunt.

          Usually, no means invariably, in the animal kingdom and in the human race, it has been the male which has conducted hunting and the female protecting the security of the home base.


  4. wien1938 August 10, 2017 / 4:41 AM

    Simply put the “gender” debate is not about gender but about the advancement, coddling and privileging of a narrow group of educated, wealthy women.
    This is why “dirty” professions are not being made the subject of “gender balance” initiatives.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Samuel Hooper August 10, 2017 / 10:59 PM

      The entire Cult of Social Justice and Identity Politics certainly favours a certain group of people, and as you allude to it usually isn’t the members of the various victimhood groups used as pawns. No, the social justice movement exists to give power to a self-designated priesthood of intersectionalists so that they can achieve ideological homogeneity by making life totally unbearable for anybody who dissents.


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